
Revolutionizing Teaching Efficiency: The Power of IPN Automation
Choose between these connections:

Use one of our IPN Connections

Your customer data will be automatically transferred to Teachere. If you prefer not to use IPN, you can also create manual accounts.

Your user gets an e-Mail

We will automatically email your customers their login details, with passwords generated automatically.

Use Teachere web or mobile application

Your user can download our mobile app and use their login details to access your classroom or group. Alternatively, they can use our web application.

You can now start to educate

At this point, your customer is ready to begin their education journey. Enjoy our features!

Bye bye administrative work

Once your customer is integrated via IPN connection, we manage their status accordingly. For instance, if payment for your service is not received on time or if the contract ends, we will suspend their access.

Ready to start using Teachere today?